Patents Update 2017
Commercial strategies for getting value from your patent portfolio and the latest case law from the UK courts and EPO
- Thursday 12 October 2017, Browne Jacobson, London
- Tuesday 17 October 2017, Browne Jacobson, Nottingham
- Thursday 2 November 2017, Barker Brettell, Birmingham
1.00pm – 4.30pm
Hear from leading patent attorneys from Barker Brettell. and patent lawyers from Browne Jacobson.
Our ‘two firms – one team’, will not only provide an overview of the patent landscape in the UK, we will also cover the following topics:
- A roundup of this year’s most notable patent cases and developments. We give you the key takeaways in healthy (but delicious) portions.
- Innovative companies pay to file and maintain portfolios – we will look at commercial and litigation strategies for creating leverage and getting value back from your portfolio.
- Developments and trends in licensing – Only 50% of all patented inventions in the UK are used by their applicant; but almost 20% of UK patents are licensed. We will guide you through the issues we are seeing.
- Freedom to operate – clearance advice in light of Actavis v Eli Lilly.
Registration & lunch – 1pm
Session start – 1.30pm
Networking, drinks and canapes – 4pm
To register for this event please contact Emma White stating which date you are interested in attending.
Tel: 0121 456 0006 Tel: 0121 237 3993
Carrie Duckworth (née Johnson) Kathleen Fox Murphy
Tel: 0121 456 0079 Tel: 020 7337 1013
Tel: 0121 456 0342 Tel: 020 7337 1505