Recently published annual reports from the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO), the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)…
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3D printing – an amazing process for manufacture or a hornet’s nest for copies?
The advent of affordable 3D printers has meant that almost anyone with the will can now print three dimensional articles…
Read MoreCheers to beers
Monday 15 June 2015 is being designated “Beer Day Britain” in an initiative encouraging those involved in the industry to…
Read MoreDo you want to sell your patent to Google?
Google Inc. has recently announced what it calls a “Patent Purchase Promotion”, inviting patent owners to offer to sell their…
Read MoreSweetness and Lite
The news is full of criticism for convenience food and drinks containing too much sugar or an equally undesirable mixture…
Read MoreBarker Brettell attorney quoted in business website article on Patent Box
Business Quarter has reported how Midlands businesses will still be able to benefit from Patent Box, even after the scheme…
Read MorePatent Box survey – the results are out
We recently surveyed some of our clients to gain an insight into how many of them are using Patent Box…
Read MoreThe two faces of January: looking back and looking forwards at IP
January is widely considered to be named after a Roman god, Janus, who had two faces, which allowed him to…
Read MoreG20 developments: what do they mean for the UK’s Patent Box?
The December 2014 edition of the CIPA Journal carried an article entitled “G20 developments: what do they mean for the…
Read MoreTaxing times ahead? What the Autumn Statement means for R&D businesses
The UK government has announced plans that will impact on the tax relief companies can claim in respect of research…
Read MoreScam Invoices: UK IPO successful
We have been warning clients for some time about a number of fraudulent organisations in existence which purport to be…
Read MoreTactics in patent enforcement: commercial ceasefires vs litigation
Apple and Google recently agreed to a ceasefire in their ongoing patent battle, with the two technology giants issuing a…
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